Feature Thaw

Posted on November 20, 2019 in Blog News

Sure, it might be cooling down outside (if you’re north of the Equator), but it’s warming up here. We’ve spent the last two months working on upgrading the entire farm to Win10. This move had been in the works for a while, but Maxon’s decision to only support Windows 10 with the release of Cinema 4D R21 made the upgrade mandatory. That meant piles of new hardware drivers and loads of time spent tweaking Win10 to not be obnoxious in a large scale compute cluster. This move was completed over a week ago, and every node is running Win10 as this is typed. The feature freeze that was necessary to complete this upgrade has been thawed.

This opens us up to be able to deploy some render software updates once again. We’ve already rolled out a few as of yesterday:

  • Redshift 2.6.49
  • Latest Arnold builds in C4D, Max, and Maya
  • Terragen updates

Of course, many more are in the works, like C4D R21, Octane 2019, and more. Stay tuned, and enjoy the heat!


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